Thursday, June 23, 2011

5 months...

and a day (a day late, a dollar short!)

So yesterday was Kayla's 5 month birthday and I am a little late writing my monthly update.  Yesterday we drove to Virginia to have lunch with Aunt Meg and meet a few people in her office.  One of them hadn't met her when I brought her previously and really wanted to meet her.  I'm always bragging about how adaptable she is with new people holding her and being around people, etc.  Well, Kayla was on the floor when said woman came to meet her and she asked if she could pick her up.  I told her of course and that she is usually so good with people.  Well, yet again in her short life, she proved me wrong.  I'm not sure if it was that a bunch of people came in at once, or if this woman was a little, um, strong or her wild curly black hair, but whatever it was, Kayla screamed bloody murder.  Maybe she was just wet or tired, or maybe she's getting some attachment, who knows.

Anyways, I thought I'd make my monthly updates a little more organized by giving them some categories, so here is the first installment.

Weight: Not 100% sure, maybe somewhere between 14 and 15 pounds.  I should do the Brian Regan thing: "Step on the scale, weigh yourself, step off the scale, pick up the baby, step back on the scale, weigh yourself and the baby then subtract your weight from the weight of the baby and you..."  Anyone, Bueller?  For those of you that don't know, for your entertainment...

"I called them up, "Ya, I have ten boxes; can you come pick them up?" "We need to know the weight and the girth." "Okay, good-bye." So I called back. "We need the weight and the girth." "Okay, I don't know what the weight is, and um, I don't know what girth means... So now what's the procedure?" So this guy talks to me like I'm four years old. "Well do you have a bathroom scale?" "Uh, ya but if I put the box on the scale it's gonna cover up the NUMBERS!" What, do I take it off really quick? Ah, zero: I'm not fast enough. What's he talking about? So then he gives me his Mister Wizard Formula, "How about if you stand on the scale and weigh yourself and get off the scale. Pick up the box, get back on, weigh you and the box together, and subtract your own weight." I'm going, "Slow down. Hold on professor." I know this guys never tried this, because I tried it and you still can't see the NUMBERS! Then I had to hang up in the middle of his girth formula." 

Length:  Not sure, I'll have to measure her somehow too. :)

Sleep:  Kayla is still getting about 2 feedings in a 12 hour period at night.  I was frustrated with these continued night wakings, but I think I've just come to the conclusion that she is just a baby that needs to eat during the night.  She also doesn't nurse for very long at all during the day (usually about 4 or 5 minutes, more if I'm lucky) so I was thinking that might be part of it, but I can't force her to eat.  Hopefully as we gradually start more solid foods that will help keep her full.  Also, she's working on some milestones (see below) so that along with teething and continued thrush are probably not helping.  She is still taking 3 good naps during the day (the short napping stopped) but I think she's trying to slowly transition to 2.  My biggest struggle is trying to determine if I should continue to dream feed her because it doesn't seem to make too much difference.  I feed her twice no matter what.  If I dream feed, I wake her at 10-10:30 pm to feed her and then I try to feed her between 3-4 am (she usually wakes up once when we have to get her back to sleep).  If I don't dream feed her she will eat at around 1-2 am and then again around 4 or 5.  I just don't know what is "best" and I'm frustrated with that (advice anyone?)

Trying hard to crawl.

Milestones:  Kayla has sufficiently mastered the back to belly roll, she still struggles with belly to back but I think this is because she doesn't care to be on her back, she loves tummy time.  Which has led to our other two big goals.  1.) As of my trip to IL, she an army crawling fiend.  She is all over and I have to keep my eye on her at all times.  2.) Yesterday, she started getting up on all fours and rocking herself back and forth and lurching herself, my 5 month old is trying to crawl...what!?!  She is babbling a lot more although nothing very clear is coming out besides "gah, ooh, daah" etc.  She is awesome and grabbing and bringing everything to her mouth.

I may or may not add mommy milestones to this list because I think it's super important to remember to make time for yourself as well, it will make you a better mommy.  To this effect, stay tuned maybe later today for another post that I've been writing in my head since yesterday.

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