Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Lauren's 101 Update #1

Ok so my sisters are tied for 3rd most important people in the world to me, so going through the 101 things list with them is special to me.  You can follow Megan's progress on her blog (link on the right).  Well, Lauren doesn't have a blog, so since she is a co-writer on mine, I told her she could post her list here.  As a way to help her keep up with her list, I'm going to add her list to my page above.

Also since she just commented on her list post the things she has completed, I thought I would share it with you all and maybe she'll comment on this post with some more information...or send me some photos I can post! :)

Here is what she has completed so far:
#13:  Run a half marathon
#30:  Give a 100% tip.   Where and whom did you give this tip to, Lauren?  Was it expensive? :)
#44:  Find the perfect pair of jeans.  What kind of jeans, were they expensive?  (Some of you may know I have a slight obsession with jeans...even more so than shoes.)


  1. I know Lauren doesn't want to blog... but maybe she should start one JUST to keep up with her 101 list. :)

  2. you are probably right megan. i didnt know how to edit my post from before so i just commented on it...

    The tip was given to a waitress at the Sandbar (a bar that sponsors one of my vball league teams) it was like a $15 dollar bill. it was also convenient because she was in training)

    i actually bought 2 pairs of amazing jeans from the Buckle. BKE's that were not too expensive and Seven for all Mankind trouser style that were $155 (these go fabulously with a cute pair of peep toes :) )

  3. also, on #73: I only have 2 more races to run it (not 5)

  4. Lauren, when you are logged into blogger at the bottom of the post there is a little pencil icon that is the edit. I think you should be able to do that. It's not that hard for me to write a quick update post either.

  5. i know how to go into edit, but i didnt know how to put a line through the letters.
