Saturday, September 17, 2011

Nighttime diapering

I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before, but I love cloth diapering.  However, I had been VERY afraid to use cloth at night since Kayla is a heavy wetter and I didn't want to have to get up with her just to change her diaper.

Well, a couple of months ago, when I was finally able to score some RagaBabes (see my cloth diapering tab for reviews), I decided that maybe it was time to give it a try.  (Overnight cloth diapering that is.)  So I bought some extra inserts for their all-in-one diapers.  As a review for everyone, all-in-one diapers have the insert sewn in so all you have to do it put it on the baby and take it off when it's dirty and toss it in the laundry bag.  RagaBabe all-in-ones have a pocket so you can stuff an extra insert in for naptime/bedtime/heavy wetters.  So I shoved another insert into the pocket of a medium.  (In actuality, I tried laying the insert on top to avoid any "roll off" of the pee but this didn't work well since Kayla hates feeling wet.  I actually tired a few ways until we finally settled on an insert stuffed in without a liner to catch any poop.)

This system works wonderfully!  Kayla was getting through the whole night (12+ hours) without any leaks and with some "room to spare" should she pee any more.  We were still waking up 1-2 times a night.  Then that dwindled to just once a night pretty consistently.  Then that became only one wake up after 4 am and she was very easy to get back to sleep.  And THAT progressed to sleeping through the whole night a few times!  F****** FINALLY!!!  (Sorry I'm just so glad this moment is finally close. And I'm crossing my fingers I didn't just jinx myself!)

Now, during this time, we also changed a few other things.  We started using the fan again for white noise.  We weaned her night feeding so she didn't expect to eat if she woke up in the middle of the night.  We changed our bedtime routine slightly.  So since my last diaper laundry load on Friday, I've been trying to avoid using our cloth diapers since we will be driving on Monday/Tuesday and wanted them to be clean for our move.  We also have a bag of "sposies" (cloth diapering community term for disposables) that will probably not fit her for much longer so I figured I'd just use them every other diaper to try to keep most of my cloth clean.  We decided to use a sposie overnight Friday night.  I mentioned to Justin I was kinda worried since she had been doing so great sleeping since we started using cloth at night.  He said, "We changed a lot of things at that time though."  I just shrugged.

She woke up twice.  Once at 11:30 pm and once at 4 am.  I'm totally convinced it's the diaper.  You can bet your bottom dollar that she is in a RagaBabe with an extra insert tonight.  I'll be washing all of our dirty diapers tomorrow and we'll use the dreaded sposie during the day, but I will be using her Rags at night if I can help it.

So any cloth diapering moms out there who are afraid to use cloth overnight, take it from me.  Just try it.  It will probably be even better than using that dang disposable anyways! :)


  1. yey! so glad that you're finally getting some sleep now :)

  2. Congratulations on a sleeping baby!!!

  3. Omg tell me about it! Thanks ladies! It's not perfect but a step in the right direction!
