Thursday, May 26, 2011

Driving Miss Daisy

I've realized a couple things since becoming a mom.

1. When you have a child, you no longer matter to anyone.  Everything and anything revolves around the little one.  This is ok most of the time, but sometimes you start to feel pretty insignificant.  So significant others and families of new mommas, make sure you take some time to make sure she feels loved, and not just for being the new family member's mom.  And not only on mother's day and her birthday.

2. I still drive pretty much like I did before I had Kayla.  A little bit above the speed limit (yes only a little unless I look down and didn't realize how fast I am going, when I promptly slow down.)  Other drivers always annoyed me a little bit before, especially people that are extremely aggressive drivers and come up to my tail end quickly to try to get me to move out of the lane.  Here's what I say, listen, I'm going more than the speed limit, I'm passing these people on the right, so you can just not get your panties in a wad and wait or go around me.  However, since having Kayla, the one thing that has changed is these types of things annoy me A LOT more now.  Like I feel like shouting at them, "I have a BABY in the car.  If you do ANYTHING to put my child in danger, I'm going to ....(insert idle threat here.)"  Your protective instincts are really heightened after having a child.

Update on thrush:
Remember that post I wrote about NOT having a fussy baby about a week ago?  Yeah, well thrush makes my baby SUPER fussy.  I've been using the Lotrimin for me and the Nystatin in her mouth after almost every feeding.  Yesterday was the worst day I've had with her in all 4 months.  She literally screamed at me for 85% of the day.  She didn't nap as well as she has been and she was basically inconsolable.  Today has been significantly better, and I'm blaming this fussiness on the thrush and increased gassiness (also caused by the thrush.)  I'm feeling a lot less sore when feeding her and I think her mouth doesn't have as much white in it, but I can't really tell as she insists on sticking her tongue in the way whenever I try to look in her mouth.

We've started feeding her about 2 tbsp of rice cereal mixed with 1 oz breastmilk by spoon at night.  The first night was pretty rough but last night she just gobbled it up.  We have also been "dream feeding" her when I go to bed around 10 pm.  So far this seems to be making no difference but it might be because she hasn't been feeling well because of the thrush.  Hopefully, a weekend away at the island will help us all get some rest and get back on track.

I try to take pictures of her fussy faces because, honestly, they make me laugh :)

She loves chewing on Sophie.

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