Sunday, March 20, 2011

Things I love...

about Kayla.  She and I had a hard week, but after having a talk with a friend, I decided I needed to look at the whole situation differently.  I am enjoying every moment I get to spend with her, even when it's 1 or 2 in the morning, and I am realizing how many things about her I just love.  So I thought I would make a list...
  1. How crazy her hair is.
  2. How she smiles with her whole face and her eyes squint up a little bit.
  3. The noises she makes when trying to poop
  4. The hilarious faces she makes, like puckering her lips right before bed time every night
  5. The way she smiles when she is falling asleep, even if she is sucking on her pacifier
  6. The way she "talks" to me
  7. How she gently places her hand right next to her face on my boob when I'm feeding her
  8. How she loves to "stand up"
  9. That she loves to watch T.V. (even all the sports with Daddy)
  10. How she becomes like a limp noodle when falling asleep
  11. How she almost always falls asleep when I'm burping her sitting up
  12. How much she loves being naked
  13. How content she looks in the bath
  14. How I FINALLY found a position that seems to almost always calm her down/put her to sleep.  It is laying over my shoulder getting her butt patted.
  15. How she is the BEST cuddler
  16. How she wrinkles her forehead when she is trying to look up
  17. How proud she makes me when people tell me how cute she is, how alert she is, how great it is she is following people with her eyes, how strong she is
  18. How her arms go all crazy when she is really happy/laughing like she is rapping
  19. How she can always find me when she hears my voice across the room
  20. Her feet
  21. How she holds my hand
  22. That she loves kicking her legs so much she can't keep clothing on
  23. How she opens her mouth to suck whenever you bring her towards your face, therefore her open-mouthed kisses
  24. How, even when she is exhausted, she fights to keep her eyelids open because, like her mommy, she hates to miss out on anything
  25. FINALLY, and honestly I think my favorite thing about Kayla, is that she ALWAYS crosses her little ankles, no matter what she is doing - feeding, standing, laying on her stomach, sitting and talking to me, anything!

She sometimes tests my patience, but when she is older, I am going to thank her for teaching me how to be TRULY patient, how to go with the flow, and how to love every single inch of someone unconditionally.

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