Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Goals: 2012

I've never been one to make New Year's resolutions.  I am however one that has goals for myself.  I think it's a great way to try to prioritize and keep yourself accountable to something!  So here are the goals I have come up with for this year.  I wanted to keep it to a smaller number of large goals with some sub-goals within so that I don't feel so overwhelmed with a "to-do" list.

  • Advance my photography skills:  I'm not sure what exactly this will involve, but I feel like just looking at pictures from when Kayla was first born to now, I have come such a long way!  I love learning about photography and taking photo memories of my most prized possessions (my family and friends.)  
  • Step out of my comfort zone: With this one, I'm thinking about things such as meeting new mom friends in my new hometown.  I have a few goods one up here that I've known for awhile but I'd really love to find some new friends and playmates for Kayla.  I'm also thinking that Justin and I need to have some more date nights, or just nights when we do things together.  I guess I just want to stop using the excuse that it's "easier to stay home" or "I don't want to (just because I'm feeling lazy."  Oh and this can also include getting to work on my 101 list AND writing more regularly on my blog...at least 3 times a week!  
  • Get in better shape: Ok I know everyone makes a get in better shape resolution on New Years, but I honestly have been so lazy and overwhelmed with life this whole year I've been terrible.  I want to get back into a shape that I am comfortable in again (I'd like be about the weight I was in college- maybe a little bigger because I was really skinny.)  I want to feel good about myself and that's the main thing!  My sub-goals in this category include: eating better and smaller portions, getting back on my bike when the weather improves, & doing some form of exercise at least 3 times a week (included exercises for my back problem at least 5 times a week.)
  • Save money/pay off credit card:  Justin and my goals for this year are to either A. pay off a few credit cards to reduce our debt so we can afford a larger monthly mortgage payment or B. save up money every month so we can have a larger down payment for a house.  Clearly, our biggest goal is being able to buy a house next year (our life plans were thrown a bit off kilter when we were pregnant with Kayla.)
I'm hoping that I can go back at the end of every month to revisit my goals and see if I've made progress.  This will also help me bring some more focus back to my blog (which I honestly love so why not devote a little more time to it?!) 

Happy 2012!  What are you hoping to accomplish this year?

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you on the "get in better shape"/"save money/pay off credit card bills" goal. I've also decided to try to stay in better touch with people - I've made the excuse of "vet school is too busy to talk to anyone" too many times over the past four years :) good luck with your goals!
