Sunday, July 11, 2010

Month 1 Journal

The book I'm reading, Hot Mom to Be Handbook, has a short series of questions to help you keep a journal of your pregnancy after each chapter, i.e. each month.  I thought this blog would be a fun way for me/us to let you in on how we are feeling and how things are going.  So here are the questions from Chapter 1, and answers from both of us (if I can get Justin to share!)

1. What were your first words or thoughts when you found out you were pregnant? And be honest!

M: Well I think we've actually gone over this, but my first thought was "Holy crap!"

J: Justin says his first thought/word was "Ummmm..."  Descriptive, I know.

2. What are you most excited about? What do you fear the most?

M: I think I'm most excited to embark on this new journey with Justin.  Plus I can't wait to actually live all those motor milestones that we learned about in school! :)  And I know that we won't be perfect parents but I'm just afraid I'm not ready yet and I won't know what to do.

J: He is most excited about watching he/she grow up.  He is most scared about having somebody be 100% reliant on him for everything. And he hopes they like his cooking!:)

3. What was the funniest thing that someone said or did when you told them about "the bun"?

M: This is actually completely crazy but the funniest thing that has happened so far was when I was telling my Nanny that she was going to be a great grandma.  We were at lunch in between bridal dress shopping appointments and the crazy outgoing waitress had just brought us our food.  She was peppering Megan's friend Amanda's salad and when I THOUGHT she had left, I began to tell my grandma.  Nanny was pretty surprised and she let a small gasp out, but from behind me as the words are coming out of my mouth, I hear the waitress go, "OH MY GOD...OH MY GOD!"  It's not as funny in writing but we couldn't stop laughing about it.  If Aunt Lauren can send me the video and I can somehow post it to the blog, I'll try that!

J: He says it has been funny how many people don't believe us when we tell them we are expecting.  We also laughed when his best friend Andrew said, "Yaayyy....right?"

4. Once you're pregnant, you notice every baby in the world.  How many babies did you see today?

M: Seeing as I've been sitting on the couch watching movies all day today, I've seen none (not even in the movies).  But I have to admit I've noticed more of those little suckers recently:)

J: He says he heard one crying at the Farmer's Market across the street today.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed this one alot. Thanks. We love you guys alot.

