Wednesday, January 30, 2013


So I know I haven't been blogging much lately.  I was thinking about it today, because I have a long list of posts I have been meaning to write, but I just haven't been concerned with sitting down and doing it. I think the reason why is because I really haven't been feeling very positive about much lately.  I pride myself on telling things like they are, but I don't want my blog to be all about the bad stuff.

House hunting is frustrating.
Brody refuses to sleep, like it feels hardly at all.
My job is kinda blah right now.
Kayla is sometimes really trying my patience and tolerance.

I described it this morning to Justin as "just feeling like the worst version of myself."  I'm trying very hard to get out of my funk so I'm listing some great things on my blog today.

Kayla is back to her normal sleeping self for the most part.  Sleeping great at night and taking pretty good naps for the most part.

Brody is still a pretty happy baby learning new things every second it seems.  Today I felt his first tooth which I'm blaming the poor sleep on.  I keep having to remind myself with kids that if it's not one thing it's another (hungry, wet/dirty, teeth, growth spurt, milestone, sickness...)  I am keeping at the back of my mind possibly calling in a sleep expert's opinion as he is worse than Kayla.  Guess I just got unlucky.  I've also thought about infant chiropractic care...any have any experience with this?

Both kids and Justin are healthy as far as I know.

I have lost 20 pounds by changing my eating habits and I'm actually loving learning to cook for my family.

I'm ready to get back to working out and signed up for a groupon for spin classes which I'm hoping to start doing soon.

My kids seem happy despite my frustrations and my annoyance with always having to pick up a million effing toys a million times a day.  No, I'm not exaggerating.

Trying to take a shower and make myself somewhat presentable every day makes me feel a little bit better.

I have the best husband in the world.

My family is close by and are almost always more than willing to help me out with my kids if I need a break.

See, so much more good than bad.  It's hard to see that 4 times between 7 pm and 7 am.

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Kayla normally acts like I'm the freakin' paparazzi yelling "no pictures" when I pull out my camera...unless I'm taking a picture of Brody.  Then she wants in. :)

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