Wednesday, October 24, 2012

101 List Failure

So I copied and pasted what I wrote at the beginning of June about what I wanted to do this summer with my 101 list...I'm not gonna lie...I was sort of a failure.

Things in italics are new since June...

"In Progress" Goals:
#70: Read 10 books recommended to me by friends.

  • The Hunger Games
  • The Girl on Fire
  • Mocking Jay
  • Game of Thrones Book 1
  • 50 Shades of Grey
  • 50 Shades Darker
  • 50 Shades Freed
  • There's Cake in My Future
  • Where We Belong
  • Bloom (amazing it, read it, keep it!)

So I did read 5 books this summer, not necessarily all recommended by friends, but still 10/10 books read.  I guess that's not a total failure.  P.S. Skip the 50 Shades series...they are terrible.

#89: Document each task completed on my blog (with photos as appropriate.) This is continually in progress.

#101: Back up all my photos and music.  Definitely still working on this.  I need to and want to reopen my smugmug account for this purpose.

"Summer To-Do List" Goals:
#7: Eat at 5 restaurants I've never been to. 
      Hoping to make a list so I can focus this goal a little more.  

#8: Don't complain about anything for a week.
      Fail, big giant fail.  I didn't even think about this at all, and I was pretty complain-y when I was overdue again.  I need to try again, maybe this holiday season.

#10: Learn to cook 10 different dishes.
I've been trying to figure out a way to make some dishes that Kayla will eat and we will enjoy as well.  It's turning out to be a huge project.  Thinking about buying the Weelicious Cookbook...anyone have this?
#13: Learn to sew (hems, holes buttons.)
Not yet, I need to have my mom teach me or something.  :)

#27: Make a list of 10 places to see before I die.
These simple lists and I didn't even do those...again maybe these will be new winter goals.
#42: Write done 100 things that make me happy.
See above.
#51: Go to a concert.
I didn't do this over the summer, but tickets to Brian Regan (comedian, I guess that's not a concert.) and potentially Maroon 5 with my cool older sister. :)
#52: Meet a new mommy friend.
Success!  I started my own meet up on and met a couple people through there, a few I've kept in touch with and now I have a group of mommy friends on facebook.  So excited about this!
#54: Take Kayla to the zoo.
Ugh, I hope to do this soon.  We went to a pumpkin patch last weekend and next weekend we may be going to the Shedd Aquarium, but no zoo yet.
#67: Plan weekly meals for 3 months.
#68: Make a list of friends to keep in touch with regularly.
#73: Visit a friend out of state.
Fail...unless you count a wedding, which I don't. :)
#79: Shop at a farmer's market.

Fail, but considering the farmer's market this weekend with fun Halloween festivities.

Tomorrow night I will probably write a quick updated "Hope To-Do" list for the remainder of fall/winter and I have actually checked at least one off.  Sorry no photos today, but I did post yesterday semi-secretively. :)  Go check it out.  I'll be back with Halloween posts, including a DIY kids costumes post. 

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