Tuesday, November 22, 2011

10 Months & 28 years

I'm not posting about Hawaii today because there is something much more important to celebrate- Kayla is 10 months old today!!  I literally cannot believe it.  I don't know how in the world we got here, but here we are.

But in all seriousness, today is my birthday.  I don't talk about it before like the day before because I don't like it.  I practically forgot it was even coming up at all.  It's not because I think I'm old, it's just that, I guess, it's too close to a busy family holiday for anyone to really remember without me reminding them.  So I choose not to say anything, and if people remember, awesome.  If not, it's no skin off my back.  This probably sounds really depressing but it's just how I feel.

I had to spend today at the clinic I work at only once a week (that I hate), and then I sat in traffic for an hour and a half on my way home.  But, today I'm thankful because how can it not be a great birthday when I come home to this:

1.  A smiley face cupcake (that I bought for myself)

2. This curious little monster:


Who has to have the sweetest smile on her face I've ever seen when I get home from work:


And who gives the best hugs:


So, I'm sorry my Hawaii posts have been so spread out.  I'm not even going to make an excuse. :)  I'll be back to my regularly scheduled programming tomorrow (and hopefully a combo 9 mo/10 mo update this weekend!)

In photography news, as much as I love photoshop, I love even more when I take photos and they are already awesome SOOC (straight out of camera), like these photos today- hardly any editing! 


  1. Happy birthday! Nothing beats a cupcake and a little happy baby.

    Maybe you could give yourself a different birthday? I've done this before when I couldn't celebrate properly on my actual birthday for various reasons, and it rocked.

  2. Happy birthday (day late) - Kayla is beautiful! She has the most gorgeous eyes!

  3. Happy Belated Birthday and your photos are so, so beautiful. wish i had that skill!
