Monday, February 7, 2011

2 Weeks Old!

Kayla turned 2 weeks old this weekend.  We celebrated with a Packers superbowl win!!!  Aunt Meg came down to visit and babysit on Saturday to give Justin and I a little bit of a break.  It was nice to have lunch with my husband (and I'm sure he feels much better about almost having his wife back!)

I am starting to feel much better about this mothering thing.  On Saturday night, she was up every 2-3 hours to eat, which is abnormal for her as she's been sleeping 4-5 hours a couple of times each night.  And yesterday, she seemed to be hungrier than usual.  I am hoping she was just going through a growth spurt.  We took a family walk yesterday to say hi to the ladies in prenatal yoga and tried to cluster feed her a few times before bed so she would sleep longer.  She seemed to be extremely fussy last night during this attempt to cluster feed and she ate about 4 times in 4 hours, BUT she slept for 6+ hours last night, so maybe we'll stick with this.

Today, I am trying to get her on more of a scheduled routine, but we also have her two-week check up with the nurse practitioner/lactation consultant.  I need to ask her some things about feeding right now since we have been having a difficult time with one of my nipples (maybe TMI, but I'll try to remember to tell you about the vomiting blood 2 times at 2 and 3 days old.)  I also am much more concerned about her continued congestion which I feel is making her very uncomfortable and making it pretty difficult for her to feed and she is having a hard time breathing through her nose.

All-in-all, things are going better and I am very much enjoying her bubbly personality and funny faces.  I can't believe she is already two weeks old!  Hoping to get some more questions answered today!  I am also going to try to make a weekly photo page to take the place of belly shots (although I should continue those but breastfeeding has done wonders for my physical appearance!)  Stay tuned!

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