Saturday, May 19, 2012

"Kayla, do you want to go outside?"

Kayla loves going outside.  I mean, if you say outside or in the car, she's sort of like a dog in that she gets all excited and points at the sliding door to our deck.  She loves different toys and different textures with her toys, but I'm not kidding you, the kid hates all the textures outside.

While we were in Hawaii, she hated everything about that sand.  I guess I should have been happy she wasn't eating it.  But when we were having surfing lessons and my mom and dad were watching Kayla, my mom said she put her on a towel on the sand and every time a grain of sand came near her she screamed bloody murder.

Last week, when I took her out to walk around our building, I got tired and wanted to sit down.  I put her down in the grass (she had shorts on) so she was still running around.  I wanted to sit so I sat her down in the grass.  I WISH I had gotten a photo of this but honestly, I was laughing too hard.  She lifted both legs off the ground so she was doing this sort of balancing ab workout on sitting only on her butt.

Something along these lines:
Except clearly less calm and composed.  Imagine hands flailing and legs kicking.

Daddy got this photo today when he sat her in the grass:

She'll get over it eventually.  Right?!?

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