Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Focusing on Me

So, I have "love 15 pounds" on my 101 list, and I've recently been thinking about this a lot.  We are being so graciously taken to Hawaii at the end of October by my parents.  It. is. going. to. be. AWESOME!  But, I'm still so unhappy with the shape that my body is in (as you can read about here.)  When you were a varsity athlete in college, and you know the shape you CAN be in, it's hard to be happy any other way.  While I know I probably will NEVER be in that shape again, I'd really like to get back to working out and eating better and just generally feeling good about myself.

Here are my issues:

  1. Due to Kayla's lack of sleep, I'm so exhausted I can hardly imagine lifting her up let alone working out for 30-45 minutes.
  2. The more I think about it, the more I think, "Well, we'd like to get pregnant again sooner rather than later (not too soon) and I'm just gonna get big again, so what's the point?"
  3. My back/entire right leg are really killing me.
  4. I don't have that many option on what exercise to do at this moment.
Here is what my "desperate to feel better about myself" side responds:
  1. Don't blame Kayla for your laziness.  You will feel better if you do even 30 minutes of something, trust me.
  2. You'd really like to get in good shape again PRIOR to getting pregnant again so you can hopefully have another smooth pregnancy.  And you really don't want that baby weight compounding on top of itself with Baby#2!
  3. You can think of any excuse, do your exercises to help make it feel better, you are a PT for Pete's sake!
  4. You are going to do Jillian Michael's 30 day shred with Megan every time she does it.  At least it is something until you get your life more situated.
So, I'm making a conscious effort to put at least a 30-45 minutes focus on ME every day.  I think it will make me a better mom in the long run.  Anyone want to join me and be a "cyber workout buddy?"  

Happy Hump Day!

P.S. I'll be checking off something on my 101 list today, so stay tuned for an update.  I'll probably do it after the weekend!  


  1. I have decided to get working out too! And I'm teaming up with my brother who is expecting his first later this month. I need someone to be accountable to, no more coach breathing down my neck! haha

  2. I recently started doing P90x - its a killer, but you can do it at home and hit the pause button when you need to. The workouts are 60 minutes, but if you only have 30-45 minutes, you can just stop at that point and you'd still be gettin a great workout in. I highly recommend it :)
