Friday, August 12, 2011

What did parents do...

without smart phones?  Seriously?

It's actually amazing to me how far technology has come just in my lifetime!  I have never been so thankful for my iPhone than since I became a Mom.  I almost always have it with me, and it has an awesome camera and camcorder right on it!  I love to pull out the "big guns" camera when I can, but honestly, my iPhone does an awesome job, has some great apps, and I can still get some pretty good edits in Photoshop from the pictures.

I uploaded a bunch of photos from my phone the other day and thought I'd be self indulgent and share a few with you of my absolute favorite subject:
(Photos from January 22nd to July 11th - more photos to come later! Also, I did NO editing.)
Kayla's Birthday

The front facing camera on the iPhone could use some work...usually those photos are noisier

On our way home from the's amazing how much better she is at getting in her car seat.

Aunt Megan LOVES taking my picture

Post 4 month shots


Rarely experienced cuddling time

The first time we staged her holding her own bottle, she totally does this on her own  now:)

LOVE LOVE LOVE the hipstamatic app


Post bath time :)

First time meeting uncle Brendan

Driving back to MKE to head home to Daddy

Her faces kill me, and they just keep getting better!

I love to reach for myself in the mirror

So happy, no matter how much she sleeps.

Through the pack n play netting

Daddy loves to snuggle, me...not so much.

Mommy is silly & I love that thing she always puts in my face.

I love Lambie.

Haha stinker.

I love my giant dinosaur stuffed animal! (More pictures later.)

Trying to "catch" the water during bath time.

First time sitting

The 4th of July in GE is exhausting!

I could take a million photos of her in the morning.

Driving home from the new favorite thing is to chew on the parts of my car seat.

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