All of our wonderful friends and family that sent us beautiful and thoughtful gifts after Kayla was born have not gotten Thank You cards. At first, I was too overwhelmed to think about it. Then I wanted to put it off a bit so I could make it an announcement/thank you/new address card. Then we still haven't moved. Now, when we move it's a little bit late to announce our "new arrival."
In my defense, I have a list. It contains everyone's name and what they sent us. It's been sitting on the nightstand for 6.5 months. So I had great intentions.
So this is my informal thank you note (until we ACTUALLY move and I can send "We moved and by the way, thanks for that baby gift..."cards!)
Dear friends and family,
Thank you so much for all the wonderful and thoughtful gifts you sent to us and Kayla in January. We appreciated first and foremost that you thought of us and second all the adorable outfits, blankets, burp rags and all the other baby trinkets we received. Everyone always comments on how well dressed Kayla is and much of that is due to you all! I'm so sorry it has taken me this long to show our appreciation, but I want you to know that it didn't go unnoticed and it was NOT forgotten! So thank you so much, and look forward to a handmade card when things get a little more normal for us!
And a note from Kayla: Thanks everyone for keeping me looking so stylish. I couldn't be so cute without your help! :)
Mommy and Daddy Hales & Kayla
So I'm looking forward to getting settled so I can formally let everyone know that I appreciate their thoughts. For now, there's this blog letter. And here's an obligatory Kayla photo.
I will have a lot to post about this week hopefully, including but not limited too: Our BFE Pennsylvania road trip, Daddy's birthday, life update, a 1st birthday party, another sleep post, possibly a post about my inability to let go, and of course, new mom Mondays.
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