Coincidentally, one of the things on my 101 list, #42, is to write down 100 things that make me happy. So this will be a great way to slowly do that over time. I'll probably just write down a few bullet points, and it might not be every Friday, but I'll try! Also, the things won't all be about Kayla, I promise, because there are a lot of other things that make me happy too!
- Kayla will be climbing all over me one second and the next second she's this independent little stinker crawling around and climbing on everything, pulling all of her toys out of the basket. But when I look at her across the room and she looks back at me, I love the way she gets this huge smile on her face and starts making a beeline towards me again.
- I love that Justin would do anything in the world to make me happy, including staying up with wide-awake Kayla in the middle of a week night to try to get her to sleep when he has to wake up early for work.
- I love having something to look forward to. For example, our family trip to Hawaii in a little over 2 months!!! :)
Speaking of which, I took a quick trip to Target yesterday with Megan for some baby essentials...
Ahhhh, so jealous of your Hawaii trip! Im determined to go there while hubs is stationed on the West Coast (we're hoping to head back East Coast next time he's transferred in 3 years) since its so much closer!
ReplyDeleteYes you should definitely go! Justin and I went on our honeymoon almost 2 years ago and this time my parents are taking our little family plus my 2 sisters and my brother. It's gonna be awesome...(Minus flying and the 6 hour time difference with a 9 month old :) )