Our lives being held in limbo for 5 months, my lack of interaction with anyone besides a 7 month old, my lack of any significant sleep due to a restless baby and being unable to fall asleep after being woken up, they all add up to one thing...
One extremely crabby Mommy.
A recent friend I made, kinda through my blog and kinda through my husband, has had it the worst I've ever heard with sleeping, even worse than me. Her son is almost 13 months old and just recently started not waking up every 2-3 hours. She has so kindly passed along her Mombie crown to me...Gee thanks! ;)
And for those trying to figure that out, I did too. It took me a few minutes but let me help you out:
Zombie + Mom = Mombie
Sorry for the downer post but I'm tired of putting on a front. Until I'm less crabby...
Ugh, I feel ya! Penny woke up 4 times last night, 7 times the night before, and 5 times the night before that. It sucks, and I am crabby too! Solidarity.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry to hear about your sleep troubles! My daughter used to do the same thing: originally a good sleeper, then started waking up every 1-3 hours all night long (even though she'd go to sleep pretty well). SO AWFUL. She outgrew it for whatever reason, and now sleeps 8-8 or later with 1 or 2 brief wake-ups to eat. Hopefully the same thing will happen for you soon. I think making sure she wasn't awake for more than 2-3 hours in a row during the day and blackout curtains helped, although who really knows? (Babies are such strange little creatures.)
ReplyDeleteHave you thought about joining a mothers' group? I just joined one, because like you I was getting stir-crazy only interacting with an infant all day, and it has really made me feel better. It's a reason to leave the house, and hearing everyone else's horror stories definitely cheers me up!
Thanks for the support ladies!
ReplyDeleteElle, I feel your pain...porr mommy and Penny!
Grace, I would try to join a mom's group except we are moving very soon so I kinda feel like it would be pointless. Part of the reason I can't wait to get this show on the road! :)