This week, Kayla has survived a 5.8(ish) earthquake, during which mommy ran around like a chicken with her head cut off. I was scared. I had literally NO idea what was going on. I thought the house might collapse, but I wasn't sure what to do. I wanted to run up and grab Kayla from her crib, but she was peacefully sleeping. So I stood outside her door for a few minutes until it was over. She slept through it. Since then, we've had I think 5 after shocks, and last night at 1:08 am one that was a 4.2 (I think.) Kayla had been sleeping like an angel up until this point (with a small waking at around 11 when she put herself back to sleep) and after that, she was up like 3 or 4 more times. Rough night.
And this week, we are supposed to get hit by hurricane Irene. I have a sort of sick obsession with the names of the hurricanes and the projected paths etc. This started when I moved to Virginia for college and it actually mattered to me. :) I remember my first big hurricane in college. My parents were in town to visit and we were supposed to go to the football game on a Thursday night. They were playing Texas A&M. My football player friend was letting me use his seats...mid field maybe 6 or 7 rows up. Well it was pouring due to hurricane Isabel, and I had a big weekend of volleyball games, but I wanted to go with my parents at least for a little bit. Well, my dad doesn't leave football games early, even during hurricanes. I was freezing and hardly remember the game, but I'll never forget that night with my parents! (Hokie football rocks.)
I wanted Kayla to remember the name of her first hurricane (and Lord knows I'll forget) so I wanted to write the post to mark this milestone.
So this week, Kayla will (most likely) have experience her first earthquake and hurricane. Crazy mother nature.
This post is dedicated to Aunt Megan, who said yesterday if she has to listen to one more person mention they can't believe we are going to have an earthquake and a hurricane all in the same week...(insert idle threat here.)
Where's Kayla?
seriously, we are one tornado short of the trifecta. (ugh)