I thought it would be fun to do a short little comparison post of my two pregnancies, since both my sister and my aunt mentioned they thought I was carrying differently this pregnancy than I did with Kayla (therefore they both think it's a boy).
- extreme fatigue in the first trimester
- significant breaking out (more so in the first pregnancy and more so all over then as well)
- mild nausea in first trimester with minimal actual vomiting
- hormonal
- pubic/pelvic pressure
- slight return of nausea in third trimester
- fatigue in third trimester
- third trimester irritability and lack of tolerance with people around me (mostly patients)
- Some shortness of breath but not too much rib kicking/pain with either
Pregnancy 1:
- Hair growth/fuller head of hair: my normal hair loss doesn't seem to have slowed down this time around and my hair has not gotten thicker (this was super nice the first time). Maybe this will mean I won't lose it all at 12 weeks post partum this time. :)
- I was constantly hungry then, not so much this time around
- I had tons and tons of nightmares if anyone remembers. This time I've had a few nightmares but only a few.
- I felt AMAZING my second trimester. This time has been significantly harder all the way throughout.
Pregnancy 2:
- Back pain. I had some back pain with Kayla but it was significantly better than normal after I got into prenatal yoga (and not having a toddler to tug around helped too.)
- Heart burn. Seriously, someone make this go away. I had heartburn for like 2-3 days with Kayla. This time, it's every day pretty much the second half of the day and it's been going on for MONTHS.
- Hand swelling/ankle/foot swelling. My hands have been swelling and going slightly numb since about 4 months. My ankles and feet have just gotten pretty bad in the past month or so. It isn't terrible but I can actually FEEL my ankles swelling without even looking at them. I'll be glad to have my normal feet back honestly.
- Just generally harder, I'm guessing mainly due to having a toddler. :)
- A lot more weight gain in general: chin, face, legs, arms, hands...just everywhere. I forgot what I used to look like.
Now for the fun part!!! I took some time to look back at my blog during my pregnancy with Kayla. I didn't have the specific weekly updates, etc so my belly shots aren't EXACTLY lined up. But I practiced a few photoshop skills and made some comparisons of my belly between pregnancy 1 and 2. Here for your viewing pleasure. :)
Pregnancy 1 on left, pregnancy 2 on right:
16 weeks |
21 weeks: 20 weeks |
23 weeks: 22 weeks |
26 weeks: 25 weeks |
28 weeks |
32 weeks |
34 weeks |
39 weeks: 38 weeks |
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