Monday, November 26, 2012

Little Nuances

No, that doesn't say nuisances. :)

I'm a firm believer that everyone had little quirks and nuances that they may not even notice or be able to identify.  That is, until you have kids.  Toddlers, particularly mine, are amazing little copy cats.  There are so many things I do that I never even noticed until Kayla started miming my every move.

The other day, I licked my finger to clean her face (yes I said I would never do it, but I do.  It's easy.) and immediately afterwards, she liked her finger and rubbed her face.  I bite my tongue when I'm concentrating and I can catch Kayla doing the same.  When talking to people, I tend to nod my head "yes" over and over to signify that I'm listening and I understand, Kayla copies me.  It's like watching a little "me" in the mirror.  :)

Does your toddler copy your little nuances?

Child Labor: (This kid is OCD about cleaning.)




Followed by a little fun (jumping on the couch cushions on the floor.)


1 comment:

  1. send her to my apartment... i have some things she can dust!
