Weight: 14 pounds 0.3 ounces (85th percentile)
Length: 24.5 inches (97th percentile)
Head Circumference: 40 cm (75th percentile)
So, his weight gain is slowing down. Now maybe people will finally stop saying how big he is. I have to admit, that's really be irritating me. Not only do I realize this (I did give birth to him), but I mostly think that I don't want time to move too fast. And I am definitely not trying to speed time along. I want to enjoy him while he's still my little guy for as long as I can. He definitely has the most pinch-able chubby cheeks though.
Dr. H was again very impressed with his strength. We talked to her about his gas and how it seemed to be really bothering him. She also said that he could be a little under the weather, since Kayla had been sick the weekend before. I mentioned I thought it might be dairy in my diet, but I wasn't sure. She told me all the foods I'd have to cut out of my diet if it was dairy, and then told me to give it a few days to see if he gets back to his normal cheery self. Otherwise, I was going to have to survive on water and fruit/veggies with everything that could potential have milk protein in it. (He seems to be better now with the gassiness, still a bit fussy but now I'm pretty sure it's because he constantly over tired since he refuses to nap better for me. Of course he naps fine when Justin is home.)
Brody also had four vaccinations, 3 shots and 1 oral. Obviously he cried, so it was hard. I have to admit though, it's a little hard not to chuckle watching his little face get all angry and sad. However, it doesn't get easier to watch the second time around. Especially since my little man seems to have skipped the "no tear production" phase (apparently that was the 4 days he was overdue...he's been producing tears since day 1.)
We are potty training Kayla and have made some big changes for her in the past week so she was having a pretty hard time. But she still really loves her brother and wants to be around him and talk to him now that he is making conversational sounds (goo, baa, you know...) More updates on Kayla after the holiday. :)
Physical Milestones: Brody has rolled from stomach to back about 6-7 times now. Mostly it's a fluke but he is definitely really close and he pushes himself pretty high up onto his hands during tummy time. He seems to have found his hands and thumb, if you follow me on facebook you saw my photo from a week ago. He definitely tracks me around the room and gives his "scared eyes" when Kayla comes around. His scared eyes are really funny. I will try to get a picture. He's also been putting a good amount of weight through his feet and enjoys standing a lot more now.
Eating: He's still eating pretty good. Pretty much every 2.5-3 hours until he takes a longer nap (which I let him especially if it's his only good nap of the day).
Sleeping: We started dream feeding him at around 10-10:30 at night and this is really working great for us. We feed him around 7:30 at night and then put him down and I dream feed him when we go to bed. He sleep until usually 3 or 4 when he cries a little bit and we are able to put him back to sleep without feeding him. He then wakes up between 5-6 and I feed him. He's really doing great at night and I'm crossing all my fingers and toes that this continues.
For naps it's really a crap shoot. Sometimes he goes down without fussing, sometimes it takes me 30 minutes to get him to sleep. Sometimes he wakes up after 30-45 minutes, sometimes he sleeps great for 2 hours. This part I am struggling with as it's hard for me to spend so much time trying to get him to sleep since I have another kid to take care of (one that is currently potty training and requires a little more attention than usual.) Hopefully it will get better in the next month or so.
Here are some 2 month photos of Brody (decided to stick with Photoshop) and of course, Kayla had to get in the pictures, so I got a few good ones of the two of them.
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