We started doing Elf on the Shelf four days ago with Kayla. We thought she would enjoy the "hide-and-seek" aspect of the whole premise. If you are unfamiliar with EOTS, basically you buy the little elf (they come in both genders and my hair, eye and skin color combos!) and then read the book to your kids so they understand the idea. Basically, Elf sits in your house to "spy" on your kids and reports to Santa every night to tell him if your kids have been good or bad. He/She then returns to your house in a new position to watch over the kids the next day.
You are supposed to have your child name the Elf when they arrive, however, Kayla doesn't really get naming things quite yet, so for now, our fair skinned, blue eyed boy elf is Elf. Clever and original. :) Kayla doesn't really get that the Elf reports to Santa about behavior and she also doesn't really get Santa, but every morning she says "Elf!" and we tell her she has to find where he is. She has a really hard time with the one EOTS rule, you aren't allowed to touch elf...this is how Kayla feels about that rule:
I decided to take pictures of Elf's spying positions each day so I plan on at least posting that each day or add it on to other posts that I write. So here is a catch up of days 1-4 plus Kayla's reaction on the first day.
Day 1:
Kayla's Reaction:
Day 2:
Day 3:
Day 4:
why is your elf not making a complete mess of your house like all those crazy elves on pinterest??? :)