I had a very busy weekend. My mother-in-law flew out to visit and be our babysitter (THANK YOU) for my 10 year high school reunion I helped plan on Saturday night. Here's how the weekend panned out...
Thursday night we went to dinner at one of my favorite places with lots of beers on tap with Jill. The kids ended up going to bed a little bit late but it wasn't a big deal.
Friday Jill and I took the kids to Kohl's and Target and mainly relaxed at home. Around 2:15 Lauren drove down with Liam so that we could go to Megan's little housewarming/jewelry party. If you don't know anything about Stella & Dot jewelry, you should check out
Megan's trunk show and make a purchase. (Shameless plug.) Lauren and I brought the boys; we loaded them into one car so it would be easier to park. Liam is 75% great in the car and 25% very unhappy when he's hungry. :) Luckily, Brody slept the whole ride. We got there early to avoid traffic and help out with anything Megan and Leslie needed us to do. The party was fun. I ended up waking Brody up, although he probably would have slept through the whole thing, just so he could meet my aunt and cousin (the main reason I brought him.) The boys slept the whole way home and it was a very nice girls night out. I haven't bought any jewelry yet, mainly because I cannot pick a few things...I want about 15 things. :) I also, unfortunately, didn't snap any photos even though I brought my camera.
Saturday morning, we all went to Ikea and Buy Buy Baby to get some Christmas gifts to makes things easier for the Hales'. We purchased a small circus like tent for Kayla for $20 from Ikea and she LOVES it! She plays quietly in it most of the day and if she's fussy, all I have to say is, "Do you want to go in your tent?" and she gets all excited and happy. When we got home, Brendan, Megan and Leslie (cousin's wife) came by so Leslie could see Kayla and they could all just hang out with us for a bit.
Saturday night was my reunion. I was one of the planners so it was sort of important that I be there. I didn't do much of the planning, Justin joked that I was the "organizer of the organizers" which is pretty much right on. Then I had a baby and got busy. We planned an open bar/appetizer thing at a bar in the city. I was a little nervous since I haven't seen or talked to many people from high school in forever, but it was really a great time. I loved catching up with people and fully intend to take people up on their offers (whether drunk or not) to get together! I love being back in the area where I grew up.
Sunday, we went out for breakfast (as Kayla LOVES pancakes) and I stayed home while Jill and Justin ran back to Ikea for a bed frame, head board, and night stands for us for Christmas. The rest of Sunday and today was spent "working" as Kayla called it (i.e. putting together furniture.) I love Ikea for the price and the quality of things, however, seriously Swedes, put some words in your directions.
All in all a VERY awesome but very tiring weekend. Here are some photos I got at my reunion (and one from before with my peanut). I brought my normal digital camera which was a great choice and I need to do that more often.
Trying to show Kayla my front facing camera... |
And teach her how it automatically takes a photo if you smile... :) |
Someone couldn't figure out the camera... :) |
Much better...I love these girls and can't wait for our Classic Christmas Movie Night! |
Most of us that were there. |
Me and my date...who was so great while I ignored him all night... :) |
Goofing of with the "Automatic picture taking when you smile" |
I was trying to show them how smart my camera is...they refused to smile, then we made them laugh :) |
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