My sister Megan recently talked about how hard it is to title your posts when you are a blogger, this is so true...let's hope this one lives up to that great big word! :)
Complacency: self-satisfaction especially when accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies
I think it's important not to feel complacent in your life. The minute you start to get complacent, every second that follows is a wasted second, in my opinion. This may be part of the reason I love to learn new things. I truly believe that everyone should have goals in life that they are constantly trying to attain. And they can really be anything: things you want to learn, creative outlets you want to explore, places you want to see, anything.
It may sound like work to you, but I think this is a great way to make sure you are filling every second of your life with, well, LIFE! Otherwise, you are just living day to day, working so you can pay the rent. And then one day, you realize you have spent a large portion of your days on this Earth just getting by, instead of breathing as much joy and happiness as you can into each minute.
So when my sister brought up this idea to me yesterday I knew I wanted to do it. Because I'm starting to feel like I'm getting complacent in my life. There are so many things I want to learn and experience and I don't want to wait any longer. I want to do things and see places with my husband. And most important to me now, I want to make sure that we are teaching our daughter that she should set goals and go for what makes her happy. And not through just our words, but through our actions. I want to teach her to ACTIVELY fill her life with joy, fun and adventure. And I want to build memories with her that I can carry with me forever.
So here's what I'm doing (with my sisters and hopefully my husband will join in): 101 things in 1,001 days. I made a list that you can see here, in the tab at the top of my blog, of goals I want to accomplish in the next 1,001 days (roughly 2.75 years). This will begin July 1, 2011 and my end date is March 29, 2014. Some are simple, some involve my personal goals, some are things I want to experience with my husband, some are traditions I want to establish with my daughter and future children, and some are ways to bring joy to complete strangers. But most importantly, all of them will fill my life with joy and fun and adventure and I will be setting a good example for my daughter on how to live life to the fullest.
One of my goals is documenting each accomplishment through a blog post with photos (hopefully) so I'm looking forward to making my blog less SOLEY about Kayla and more about my life as a whole. (But still mostly about her!) You should join me!! Leave a comment if you want to jump on board. I can send you a link that will help you get started. And if you choose to do it, please keep me updated on your fun adventures!!
Oh, and I forgot to tell you all about another milestone in my previous blog post. Kayla is also getting pretty good and sitting with very little support.
Good list! I look forward to following along with you on your journey. Oh, and I just tweeted today about how hard it is to title your own blog posts... ironic!