You will recall my mentioning how having a baby make you feel slightly insignificant to everyone around you. Well this week, I've learned yet another reason my mom is awesome. Because even when everyone is ooh-ing and aah-ing over my baby, my mom still makes me feel like I'm hers (her baby that is). Even though I came to show off her first grandchild, she still makes me feel like I'm important to her as well. By no means does this imply she loves Kayla any less than anyone else. It just implies that I still hold a piece of her heart and she has room in it for my daughter as well. And I have no doubt in my mind that my Nanny made my mom feel this way too.
I'm so lucky to have the family I do, and I can only hope that when Kayla grows up, she learns to appreciate her grandparents like I do and feels lucky to have known so many of her great grandparents. And I sincerely hope that I make her feel the way my mom makes me feel when she has children of her own. I pray she will always, not only know, but feel how special she is to me.
I hate this picture of me because I look really tired, which I am due to Kayla not sleeping so great, but I'll get into that in my next post...a Recap of our Trip.
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