Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Doesn't get any better than this...

For me at least!

Since becoming a mom, after I got over that whole PPD thing and Kayla started really developing a personality, there are small things she does throughout the day that really make up for any frustrating or bad times.

Example: Today, she was really crabby after being awake for about an hour or so after her first nap.  I tried to keep her up a little longer then gave up when she started rubbing her eyes.  I put her down and literally tried to calm a screaming baby for 45 minutes.  I'm not exaggerating.  It doesn't bother me that much but there are things I could be doing while she sleeps, like finishing the laundry or planning what to pack for our road trip this weekend.  But instead, I'm shushing and patting and rocking my baby, only to have her sleep for 30 minutes afterwards.

She didn't wake up crying, just talking as usual so it wasn't so terrible.  Then, this happened:

She was literally in a fit of giggles (with me which is why parts of the video are shaky) for about 15 minutes about her pacifier.  Seriously, how can you be mad after that!

What small things can make a bad day good for you?  Leave me a comment!

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