I think fussy is an understatement. She's screaming...a lot. At me. When I try to put her down for a nap. Before eating. After eating. While changing her diaper. When I put her on the floor to play. To me, it seems like all the time, except when I'm holding her...and even sometimes then.
I don't know if it's the thrush. Or the teething. Or still from her vacations. Or she's bored of her toys. Or she's mad she can't sit and walk like she wants to. Or if she is tired (actually I know she is because naps suck.) I don't know what is it but it feels horrible.
As a person who doesn't like when she can't make the people around her happy, I'll tell you as a mom feeling like you can make your child happy no matter what is the worst feeling in the world. All I can do is just keep telling her "I'm sorry. I can't stop the teeth from coming in and I'm doing everything I can for the thrush and I'm trying to get you to sleep so you can feel rested and I'm trying to change your position and cuddle with you so I know you feel loved." But it doesn't feel like she does.
Vent over.
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