Monday, June 4, 2012

Check off #9, 22, 41, 48, 80, 82, 99, & 101...Whew.

I really need to be better about a lot of my 101 list.  So this week I'm taking steps in the right direction.  I'm going to write three posts regarding this list this week: one about what I have completed since I last updated, one about goals that are "in progress," and one about the things I hope to start/complete this summer.

Here is a short summary of things I've completed since my last update.

#9: Move to a new place.
As you probably know, in January, me moved into our current apartment.  We still aren't really settled, but now I'm kind of putting it off because we are thinking about starting to look at buying our first house! We did paint Kayla's room a much nicer grey/green combo (as opposed to the double shade of pink it was before...yuck.)  We have a ton of space and a storage space which is nice.  I like it here, but I'm looking forward to settling into something that is our own.

#22: Take surfing lessons.
I posted about this way back when I was doing my Hawaii updates.  Here is the post on our 7th day in Hawaii complete with surfing photos.  I'd like to try surfing again one day, and I'd love for it to be in Hawaii again. :)

#41: Complete a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle.
I have absolutely no idea if I posted about this or not, but around Thanksgiving, Lauren and I started this puzzle Justin and I bought on our Midwest road trip last April (2011).  It was an M.C. Escher puzzle.  If you don't know this artist, look him up.  He's got some pretty neat stuff.  Needless to say, the puzzle was a rough one.

Here is the picture the puzzle was based on:
The puzzle was hard.

#48: Have a picnic.
Yesterday, when I got home from my haircut, Justin and I decided to make some sandwiches and snacks and have a picnic lunch outside on the grass with Kayla.  (Well, more so on a blanket on the grass since we all know how much Kayla loves the grass.)  It was a beautiful day outside.  Kayla really loves being out there.  We took her shoes off to strategically keep her on the blanket.  You should see her avoid stepping off the blanket into the grass without shoes.  This was such a simple goal to accomplish, but such a fulfilling one.  Hopefully, we can have more picnic lunches as a little family.

#80: Donate money to a charity.
I asked many friends and family to donate to the National Down Syndrome Association around Kayla's first birthday, but Justin and I also made a donation to his Aunt Shirley's Relay for Life team.  It feels so great to be able to even make a small contribution to better our lives.  You may recall that I rode 100 miles on my bike for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in honor of Shirley in 2010 when I was 7 weeks pregnant with Kayla.

#82: Avoid Facebook for 1 week.
I honestly can't even remember the week that I did this.  I think it was in January of February of this year.  It really helped me re-focus on what was important in my life.  I still spend time on Facebook because I have a great group of friends and I love to be able to keep up to date on friends I rarely get to see or talk to but I still consider great friends.  It was hard to not be able to check Facebook for a week, but in the end, I think it helped a lot.

#99: Have Kayla baptized (and future babies.)
I did this in November around Thanksgiving.  Read about it here.  Now I just have to make sure to get Baby Hales #2 baptized at some point. :)

#101: Back up my photos and music. (On going).
This goal is very much ongoing, but the Hales bought us a large external hard drive so I did back up a large portion of my photos to that around Christmas time.  I need to get caught up with most current photos, but this is a huge step.  So many things to do, so little time.

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