"In Progress" Goals:
#70: Read 10 books recommended to me by friends.
- The Hunger Games
- The Girl on Fire
- Mocking Jay
- Game of Thrones
Up next: 50 Shades of Grey. :) Any other suggestions?
#89: Document each task completed on my blog (with photos as appropriate.)
#101: Back up all my photos and music.
"Summer To-Do List" Goals:
#7: Eat at 5 restaurants I've never been to.
Hoping to make a list so I can focus this goal a little more.
#8: Don't complain about anything for a week.
I want to do this one this summer since I know it will be extra hard being pregnant during the summer and I want to focus on the positive.
#10: Learn to cook 10 different dishes.
#13: Learn to sew (hems, holes buttons.)
#27: Make a list of 10 places to see before I die.
#42: Write done 100 things that make me happy.
#51: Go to a concert.
#52: Meet a new mommy friend.
#54: Take Kayla to the zoo.
#67: Plan weekly meals for 3 months.
#68: Make a list of friends to keep in touch with regularly.
#73: Visit a friend out of state.
#79: Shop at a farmer's market.
It may seem like a lot of goals to try to finish this summer but most of them should be relatively simple and not take a ton of time. I think it will help me to narrow down the goals for shorter periods so instead of trying to remember and think of 101, I'm focusing on 10-15. :)
I will gladly help you check off a couple of those. like the zoo and the restaurants :)