Friday, June 8, 2012

My First Book Signing

So, I found out last week that my favorite blogger/author/photographer/mom combo was going to be doing an impromptu book signing in Chicago, and it just happened to be at the Barnes & Noble 15 minutes from our house!

Many of you know how much I love Kelle Hampton's blog.  She's just a great writer, very honest but very positive at the same time.  And she incorporates her beautiful photos into her blog so perfectly.  When I finally got the chance to pick up her book, Bloom: Finding Beauty in the Unexpected, I was thrilled.  I read it in less than a week probably.  It was very funny and moving; very similar to her blog!

I was afraid I wouldn't be able to go since the signing was on Tuesday and I am now working 2 10 hour days at the hospital during the week (I'm not sure I've mentioned my job switch on the blog yet...) I work until 7 which is when the Q&A session was supposed to start, and I often can't finish all my notes exactly on time to leave at 7.  Well, my last patient had cancelled, and Justin convinced me that I should go.

I'm so glad I did.  I was running late obviously, but I caught the end of the Q&A.  It was nice to hear her talk about her experiences having a child with Down Syndrome, not just reading it.  Towards the end of the Q&A, a lady came up next to me and asked me how old Nella was (that is Kelle's daughter with Down Syndrome.)  I told her 2 years and 4 months and the only reason I knew was because my daughter shares a birthday with her.  Then she said to me, "You mean you have a daughter with Down Syndrome who was born on the same day?"  I said, "Well no she doesn't have DS, and she was born the same day but a year later."  Then she said, "Oh!  I just assumed everyone here had a child with Down's Syndrome.  I guess I was wrong."  It kinda seemed silly to me that she thought everyone would have a connection with Down Syndrome, but I guess it's not that silly.  But I think so many people love Kelle and her family and her blog because she makes it not JUST about Down Syndrome.  It's about all different struggles (and joys) of parenting.  I think I felt connected at first because I was going through the PPD at the time.

After the Q&A, I got in line to get my book signed.  I waited probably about 45 minutes or so, but that was ok.  I chatted with some ladies around me and got to experience a once in a lifetime opportunity.  I love Kelle, I kind of want to be her. :)

Feeling very pregnant and gross after 10 hours of work, but oh well!
Her husband and two daughters were also there so I got to chat with them for a bit too!  He was SO nice to everyone and the girls dealt with so many women oogling them so well!  Nella was clearly ready for bedtime but they were such good sports!

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