I want to take my daughter out for walks and such, but it's too cold. Now, we just hang out with the space heater.
Speaking of cold, I think the temperature of the room really affects how well Kayla sleeps. Last night, we didn't have the space heater in the room and she woke up every three hours...which she has rarely done before. She did fall asleep at 7 pm last night though so although I fed her I think 3 times last night, she slept well and we finally got out of bed at about 8:45 this morning.
I can't talk much about my cloth diapering quite yet because I would really like a diaper pail so I have somewhere to dispose of the stinky things instead of just leaving them to permeate the house. So far, I have 6 Bum Genius 4.0 one size pocket diapers and 2 Flip hybrid covers with four cloth inserts and a pack of disposable inserts. If anyone that reads my blog cloth diapers, do you have a kind that you have really liked? The one time I tried a couple, I was afraid I would have to change her constantly as she was fussy, and I couldn't tell if it was because she was wet or just fussy. I really want to try again though so next purchase will hopefully be a diaper pail. (I'd also like a snap and go stroller for our road trip but we'll see.)
Happy Hump Day!