On Friday night, Meg, mom, dad, us and Christy and Jeff (friends of ours who came to meet Kayla) ordered some pizza and just hung out. Christy and Jeff are having one of Kayla's best friends in just a few short weeks and we can't wait to meet her!
On Saturday, we hung out for most of the morning. Mom, Meg and I went shopping. Mom wanted to look for white pants for my parents trip to the middle east. Three hours later, we had bought make-up, clothes for Kayla and white pants for Mom. Justin and I took a trip to the George Mason men's volleyball game to introduce Kayla to some friends. We drastically underestimated the amount of noise. Kayla was looking extremely terrified so she and I missed most of the game. But it was nice to see some friends!
Sunday, we ventured out to DC for brunch and to take a walk around the monuments. Kayla was EXTREMELY fussy, and after a couple of hours, Justin and I took her home. Turns out she kinda likes her swing though, especially if she is a little bit sleepy.
Monday was so much worse than Sunday. She cried to eat (like screaming) it felt like every hour. Thank God my mom was still here to help me out. She took one long nap. They she and I dropped off my mom at the airport to say goodbye. We took her to Monday night volleyball league to introduce her to a few last volleyball friends. She did pretty well for being there for 3 hours.
We tried to have her sleep in the Pack N Play instead of the laundry basket this weekend. It wasn't a total failure, but I think she still has just a little bit too much room to roll side to side and get her hands out of the swaddle...so back to the laundry basket for now.
New photos on my smugmug page.
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