I want to take my daughter out for walks and such, but it's too cold. Now, we just hang out with the space heater.
Speaking of cold, I think the temperature of the room really affects how well Kayla sleeps. Last night, we didn't have the space heater in the room and she woke up every three hours...which she has rarely done before. She did fall asleep at 7 pm last night though so although I fed her I think 3 times last night, she slept well and we finally got out of bed at about 8:45 this morning.
I can't talk much about my cloth diapering quite yet because I would really like a diaper pail so I have somewhere to dispose of the stinky things instead of just leaving them to permeate the house. So far, I have 6 Bum Genius 4.0 one size pocket diapers and 2 Flip hybrid covers with four cloth inserts and a pack of disposable inserts. If anyone that reads my blog cloth diapers, do you have a kind that you have really liked? The one time I tried a couple, I was afraid I would have to change her constantly as she was fussy, and I couldn't tell if it was because she was wet or just fussy. I really want to try again though so next purchase will hopefully be a diaper pail. (I'd also like a snap and go stroller for our road trip but we'll see.)
Happy Hump Day!
I went to highschool with Justin and I've been following (stalking) your blog for awhile now. I exclusively cloth diapered Charlie from the beginning (with the exception of the first 2 weeks until the cord stump fell off.) I mainly use the fuzzibunz onesize... they have the adjustable elastic in the legs so you don't have to deal with snapping down the front of the diapers to size them. The fleece on the inside is SO soft and they're so easy to keep clean. I have a bumgenious 4.0 but I hated the inserts and have tried a couple other kinds but still preferred the fuzzibunz over them all. What kind of laundry detergent are you using to wash them? Rockin' Green makes some for both regular and hard water...we have super hard water here in Hawaii so that worked well for us. I also used a little oxyclean in the soak cycle every so often to keep the stains out. You don't need one right now since you're breastfeeding, but once you start with solids I'd definitely suggest getting a diaper sprayer that you attach to the toilet! As for a diaper pail just get a plastic trashcan from Target or Walmart that has a lid and get one of the planetwise pail liners. They also have the wetbags for your diaper bag when you go out. If you have any other questions, totally feel free to ask!
ReplyDeleteHey Melissa, we also exclusively cloth diaper as well and we use FuzziBunz, Kissaluvs, HappyHeineys, GroVia, BumGenius 3.0's and my favorites, Kawaii's. The Kawaii's are less expensive than all the others and I love them! We also have several dipes that I bought on Etsy and I like some but not others. We also use Rockin' Green detergent and LOVE it! One thing that I've started doing that I wish I had done all along was I went to Walmart and bought a wooden clothes rack and I have started drying my covers outside. I still throw the inserts in the dryer like normal. This has 2 benefits: 1. the elastic and waterproof layer on the covers doesn't get all jacked up and worn out (my GroVia cover has already lost the elasticity in the leg holes) and 2. I can set the dryer to high and get the inserts dry WAY faster than when I was drying everything together. Most diaper companies recommend not using high heat to dry the covers, so it took forever to get the inserts dry on the low heat setting. Oh, and now that I think about it, #3 is that sun is a natural "bleaching" agent for the poop stains on the liner of the covers. Its crazy!
ReplyDeleteAnyway, sorry I wrote a novel, but I remember how daunting cloth was before we started and I felt glad for anyone who could tell me anything/give any pointers, so I'm passing it along to you! ;) Let me know if you have any other questions!