Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sheer speed of bump growth.

So I actually don't think I have mentioned this yet, but my little sister is pregnant as well.  She is due 6 days before me (September 4th) so it should be a very fun fall!  I'm excited to have this little thing to share with her and for my little ones to have a cousin close in age.  Our family is already so much fun and now the fun is growing exponentially.

The thing about it is, she is teeny tiny and very active and very long waisted.  It's also her first baby, but she is almost a week ahead of me and so teeny tiny in comparison to my growing whale of a belly.  It's hard for me to grasp since I was so little when I was pregnant with Kayla.  I'm also pretty unhappy with my non pregnancy weight and looks post baby anyways.  I only have myself to blame for not getting back to working out quicker after having Kayla.  It's really quite difficult to get some sort of workout in when you are trying to save money and you really hate running.

Anyways, I'm not mad that Lauren is so much smaller than me.  I realize there are a lot of factors to this whole thing that make our situations completely different.  I'm just trying to motivate myself right now to try to find a way to make more time for me after this baby comes so I can get into a shape where I am happy with myself too.

What no one tells you is that when you are a working mom, it is HARD to find time to do something for yourself.  For me, I really want to spend my spare time with Kayla so it's hard for me to justify giving up that time to go to the gym.  Do you guys have any suggestions?  I'm thinking step #1 is giving up some t.v.

Hi.  My name is Melissa and I'm addicted to prime time television.

Obligatory Kayla photo: :)

1 comment:

  1. Yep, it's hard. Really hard. I'm not sure if your job allows it, but is there any way you can take 30 minutes to go for a brisk walk?

    I am borrowing a jogging stroller from a friend and have been walking/Couch25K'ing with Charlotte immediately after I get home from work... before I start the dinner routines. Is that an option for you? Jillian Michaels has good 30 minute videos (Megan can attest to them!) that would be easy to do when Kayla naps/goes to bed.

    Since joining Weight Watchers I've been cooking 4-5 nights a week. I plan my meals ahead of time and shop accordingly so I don't have any excuses. Ordering out is way to easy!

    I feel your pain on this. It's definitely not easy.
