I haven't actually updated on anything going on in our little family life recently at all. This is most likely due to the fact that I feel like the story of our lives this year involves
finally getting some good news, which is quickly followed by some bad news that clouds the good news, but here's an update none the less.
- Shortly after we moved to Illinois, we went out to look at new "family" cars. No, I flat out refuse to drive a minivan. If that ever happens, someone should check my pulse. We were looking at trading in my pretty new Honda Civic for a bigger more car seat friendly CR-V. We ended up getting a very pretty silver one. I love it. I miss my in-dash navi, but I'll live I suppose.
- We went to Hawaii, and it was AMAZING- as you all well know from my recaps.
- I turned 25 (again) and Kayla celebrated her first thanksgiving- and is not a fan of mashed potatoes (recap to come soon.)
- Kayla was baptized- her great grandparents are thanking God (as if I wasn't planning it all along.) :) Recap to be included in previously mentioned Thanksgiving recap.
- Justin got a job! Alleluia! It pays relatively well and he really is excited about it. All good things right? Well yes, but cue the bad news. The small company he'll be working for only offers his health insurance for free. To cover me and Kayla it would be another $800-900 a month!!! So even though we planned on my going down to 24 hours/week, I think I'll have to stay at 32. Except this brings up another problem. My position is technically a 24 hour one, and I've been driving a long ass way to work at a clinic I really dislike and I refuse to continue doing that. So we aren't sure if I CAN work 32 hours a week to get the health care. We haven't fully figured this part out yet, but if worse comes to worse, I will pick up a prn job on Saturdays at a local hospital or something to make some extra money.
- Due to #5, we've been apartment hunting and day care searching. More updates to come on this.
I think I've quickly caught you up, if you cared. :) Remember during my 10 month update when I told you Kayla has learned how to step by the end tables we put up to keep her out from her favorite space between the chaise lounge and the wall? Well, I took pictures (of course):
Don't try to stop me from going back there, I'll just climb right over any obstacle. |
Mommy: "Excuse me!" |
Kayla: "What Mom? I want to go back there." |
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