10 Months:
Milestones: Kayla is legitimately walking, practically running this month. She is able to get to standing without holding on to anything. She can squat down and stand up without losing her balance. And she can get wherever she wants to go, making for fun days with Daddy at home. She learned how to stick out her tongue in Hawaii, as well as how to wave hello and goodbye. She literally waved at everyone in the Kona and Honolulu airports. She learned how to brush her hair, and she likes all sorts of finger foods. She makes all sorts of squeaks and excited noises while she is walking around the house, and her babbling has become almost like sentences, with inflections and all. (Still only short syllables though.)
Eating: I mentioned she is still eating part finger foods and part cereal/purees now. I am still nursing morning and night, and other than that she takes 2 bottles.
Sleep: Her naps are relatively consistent around 1.5 hours to 2. Night time sleeping got very bad around Thanksgiving for a couple weeks. She popped 5 teeth within a week: all four on top erupting from left to right and the left bottom tooth next to her middle two has come through too. Needless to say, she was in pain, not to mention she was also sick at the time with a very runny nose. All that congestion I'm sure makes it hard for her to sleep lying flat.
She is learning so quickly. I actually cannot believe our baby is almost 1 year old. I can't wait to enjoy her first Christmas and make some more memories. :)
Brushing my hair. |
She loves to open and close things. If you want to send Kayla a First Birthday card, I suggest one of those musical ones. She <3s those! |
She looks so grown up in some photos I take! |
We placed this tables next to the chaise lounge to keep her from walking behind it, now she just leans on the window sill and steps right around them. |
Moving too fast for Mommy. |
Her favorite activity: squats. |
Running at me, notice the wind in the hair. |
are those leg warmers?!?!?!?