Sunday, December 18, 2011

9 Month Update

Yes, here they are...almost at 11 months old now.  I actually finished editing the photos last weekend, but I've just been busy with some stuff I will post about later for you! :)  (See how I try to convince you to keep reading my blog?!)

9 Month:

I posted about our MD update back when she actually turned 9 months old, but here is a little bit about milestones we've hit and other things that have (had) changed between 8 & 9 months.  We are at this stage where Kayla is growing and learning new tricks so quickly I can barely keep up.  I have been trying to keep a word document of her new tricks, but it is extremely hard to keep up.  I'm doing my best though.

Milestones:  Our biggest physical milestones this month were consistently taking 5-6 steps in a row at the beginning of the month (for about 2 weeks it stayed like this), learning to wave, and about a week before her 9 month birthday, actually walking.  I believe I blogged about this but October 18th was the day I came home from work and Daddy and Uncle Brendan were bragging about how far she had walked.  And I agreed, she was opting to stand up and take steps instead of crawling.  A definite turning point.  I honestly can't remember much new stuff going on with her speech during this month...she's making huge leaps now but I'll write about that in her 11 month update (coming up in about a week. ;))  She was still babbling with monosyllables, but would often repeat after me, almost like we were  having a conversation only she understood.

Eating:  This is about the time we were starting to notice she wasn't having only the organic baby purees anymore.  She is Miss Independent and wanted to feed herself so we started mixing baby food with big people food.

Sleep:  Miss Kayla had been doing a great job of sleeping through the night, except she was starting to wake up a little earlier.  I thought this may be due to me waking her up on my one really early day of work to nurse her before I left, so I stopped doing that and just skipped that one nursing session each week.  It seems to have worked out since she's back to sleeping until about 7 am.

9 Month Photos:
It is getting more and more difficult to take good monthly photos as she is getting more and more mobile.  But I manage to snap some decent ones (maybe a little blurry...)





I usually try to get her to do some of her new tricks so I can remember which month she learned different things:
Like clapping...



I usually have to give her something to keep her happy while I'm taking pictures:



But honestly, most of them end up as outtakes: without being able to see the month sticker, making goofy faces, or moving too fast for me to catch her.  But I love these photos too - that's why I still edit them.



Her aunts and uncle taught her how to stick out her tongue in Hawaii.



And sometimes, I manage to catch a great series of photos that create a bit of action.






And sometimes, she's like a model and manages to catch the most perfect light on her face.



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