I don't think I've tried to hide my love for shopping at all. I love it. The rush of a new pair of jeans. The cool breeze you feel in a new tank top. Imagining the number of outfits you can wear that new cardigan with. The thrill of a new pair of shoes. And now, the excitement of dressing your daughter in that new adorable fall dress.
Well shopping for myself post baby has really sucked. I feel so limited to shoes and jewelry and make-up. Not that I have a problem shopping for new shoes...ask my husband. I just feel so crappy about my new body that even trying on clothes doesn't sound like fun at all to me. It doesn't matter how many people tell me that I "look great", because I don't feel that way. I feel like all of the clothes I wore prior to getting pregnant accentuate all of the areas that I really hate.
I know I have control over this, and that's why I made a few exercise goals on my 101 list. But I need someone to be accountable to/with. I don't enjoy exercising on my own. I need a partner in crime. I want to join a gym where I can take some spin classes and pilates classes and have a set time that I feel like I'm letting the instructor down if I don't show up. Plus, I'm so freaking tired since I think we got dealt the short end of the sleeping stick as Kayla is really not a good sleeper, I don't have any energy to do anything after carrying around my little 15 pound weight all day. (Not to mention my back and hip are KILLING me.)
I just feel crappy about my body and the one thing that was my favorite thing to do to improve my mood is no longer fun. Maybe one day.
For now, I'll stick to buying these:
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