Monday, July 25, 2011

NMM 7/25/11

Keep a calendar handy to jot down those precious things your baby does. 
Years from now you'll be glad you did.
(And so will your baby!)

I wish I would have been more careful and organized about this one.  I think my blog is a wonderful way to look back on my pregnancy and motherhood up until this point.  And one of these days I'll start making a Kayla's scrapbook with the items my little sister got me for my baby shower.  And I guess I do take the monthly photos of Kayla so that's a nice way to document her growth.  Sometimes I wish I had a more creative idea of a way to keep track of all the little things: like the day that she first smiled for real, the day she first babbled or blew raspberries with her lips, or started army crawling.  I have a vague recollection of the dates but nothing exact.  If I knew the exact dates I could probably come up with some great do-it-yourself project for myself (or find one online).  Maybe I'll just see if I can look back and remember the approximate dates and come up with some sort of "milestone book."

Stay tuned later today after our doctor's appointment for an update (and maybe even a third post today!)  I also have updated some photos on our SmugMug page, and updated my 101 in 1,001 page (to include a link to Lauren's list), and hopefully when I get a chance I'll update my cloth diapering page with a few more reviews!!  Happy Monday!

I know this photo is blurry and I haven't even attempted an edit but I just love it! :)

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