Saturday, July 3, 2010

We heard the heartbeat!

We had our second appointment with our doctors/midwives practice yesterday.  Unsure of what to expect, we got there and got asked a few family background questions: Any history of metal illness on either side...yes:).  Just kidding families!

Anyways, the midwife we saw yesterday said, "Well do you want to try to hear the heartbeat?" Ummmm....yeah!  She said we might not hear anything and sometimes you can hear it at 10 weeks, but most often you can't hear it until around 12 weeks.  Well, 2 seconds after she put the gel on my stomach, she goes, "There it is. and it sounds really good." I looked at Justin and said, "Well, now it feels real!" We got an order to get our first ultrasound this week to do a nuchal translucency test, to test for down syndrome (I believe). 

On a light note, like my dad says, "Did it sound like a setter's?" Yes, Dad, just like a setter, 6ft lefty! :)

1 comment:

  1. under constructionJuly 3, 2010 at 6:16 AM

    Unless, of course, it's a boy, then you need to add at least 5 inches! :)
