1. Are you going to find out the sex?
No. Period the end. I don't care if you think it's easier to pick colors or names or anything if you find out, and I REALLY don't care if you want to know:) Plus, I find it funny hearing people tell me what they think it's gonna be...so far: IT'S A BOY! :)
2. When are you due?
January 24th (tentatively), and "wow really? You're great aunt's first child was born in January? I can't believe it." Here's to not caring what the actual date is because let's be honest, how many babies are born on that day? And more importantly, here's to our baby having their very own special day :)
3. Have you thought about names?
Um, I'm not sure if I mentioned this to you but it's taken me about 4-5 weeks to actually feel like I'm in this situation...actually hearing the heartbeat was the deal-sealer for me:) So no, I haven't really thought about names, but I'm sure you are going to tell me which ones you like.
4. How are you feeling?
How in God's name do I answer this question? I feel sick about 20% of the time, I feel AWESOME about 50% of the time and I feel like I could fall asleep standing up the rest of the time. But otherwise, I feel exactly the same as I did 2 seconds ago, BEFORE I told you I was pregnant.
5. That's great news...right?!? OR Congratulations...?!?
As Justin's best friend and best man #1 at our wedding said, "Yaaayyyy....right?" Haha, yes, even though it may not have been planned and maybe it was a surprise, we are still excited.
6. Have you started setting up a nursery?
Ugh, can someone else do all this other crap I have to do? I'll worry about pushing this little thing out of my body and someone else worry about all that stuff? I'm taking offers...
I think those are the main questions we have been getting, and my slightly sarcastic, pregnant lady way I wish I could answer them. Maybe my next post can be of all the advice I've gotten from random patients so far...but for now my favorite quote from the best Mom I could have asked for to learn from:
"Yeah well, pregnancy is a weird time all around." Thank you for the insight Mom. I love you! <3
I'm pretty sure I know someone that would be willing to help you decorate the nursery. In fact, I'm pretty sure she could whip up a few ideas right now on the fly! :)