Monday, April 22, 2013

What happens when I become overwhelmed...

I am generally a very motivated, driven person, but the past 2 weeks in our new house have really taken their toll on me.  I know I haven't written and the reason is that when I become overwhelmed, I tend to shut down and just do what I need to do to get through each day.  Which has been hard in and of itself as now I'm getting so little sleep that I'm sick.

Kayla is really not a fan of new day care.  Both kids were sick week 1 and not sleeping great at all.  Brody started to get better, while Kayla started to get worse.  I'm pretty sure Kayla was feeling abandoned.  Then Brody get really bad, like waking up every hour literally bad.  I ended up taking them to the doctor because I was desperate for some help.  The doctor didn't help much.  Although we now have a referral to an ENT for Kayla's constant ear infections.

The mess in the house is driving me crazy but, like I said, when I'm overwhelmed I do the bare minimum.  I can feel that pesky post partum depression creeping up.  If we had any money to spare right now, I'd be paying for the best sleep consultant there is.  They wake each other up, Brody screams bloody murder at night for no reason.  Kayla is sleeping better, but how can we let Brody "cry-it-out" if he's going to wake her up?

I'm starting to feel like I'm just inadequate at mothering babies that sleep.  Why do I have, not one, but two of the worse sleepers ever?  Anyways, just letting you know I'm here and overwhelmed and hopefully will be back shortly.

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