Too much of the former and not enough of the latter.
So 2.5 weeks ago at Brody's sixth month check, we found out both kids had double ear infections. Ugh. I thought we were past this. Ok, so fine, they both get put on Amoxicillin (good thing this is SUPER cheap with my prescription drug coverage.)
Fast forward 4 days, Brody got a fever of almost 103. After 36-48 hours we ended up at the doctor's office because she was worried the medicine wasn't helping his ear infections. Which it was. He apparently had some other sort of virus causing him to be so congested he literally couldn't breathe at all through his nose (which makes for very annoying nursing relationship, chest congestion and upset stomach. He also decided he wasn't interested in eating solid foods anymore. At all. After four days of a fever of around 103 despite regularly giving him Tylenol, it finally broke. Then he was SUPER cold and clammy for a few days.
So for Easter, we were all healthy. We went to see the Easter bunny, enjoyed some time at our favorite appliance store in preparation for our impending move.
Come Tuesday when the kids went to daycare, I got a text at work saying Kayla had a fever. So now Kayla has whatever Brody had. (She actually threw up when she woke up from her nap today which is why I totally lost my train of thought on this post.) We are sure if it's a virus, a concussion or a combination of the two since she got a huge goose egg on her head at my parents house on Easter Sunday. She was in the laundry room and quickly turned and (we think) her her head on the door handle. Honestly, she isn't great about watching where she is walking so I have a feeling we will have a lot of goose eggs in our future. Needless to say, we are monitoring her closely to make sure she doesn't have a head injury. We still aren't convinced. Hopefully all will be well once we move into our new house this weekend.
My little man and me Easter weekend. |
Kayla in the bubble machine at the appliance store (yes the appliance store is AMAZE-BALLS) |
Kayla's fresh goose egg...the other picture my mom took was significantly funnier but I'm not mean enough to post it. |
Little man is very very mobile now and enjoys exploring his new environments. |
This is what Kayla looks like EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. we leave Gigi and Papa's house. I probably have about 15 photos just like this. |
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