Monday, November 21, 2011

Kona, HI Day 4

I was contemplating just editing photos tonight and not writing a full post since I am uber busy at work this week and I am so tired (I think because Kayla's been teething and had her first fever over the weekend and I'm just worried about her so every little noise she makes wake me up at night) and I just didn't feel like posting.

Then I looked at my photos from Day 4 to find out if it would be a long or a short post.  Turns out we didn't do much but enjoy the scenery and the rental house on our 4th day in Kona.  Honestly, the house and view were so gorgeous it was nice to sit and enjoy it for at least one full day.  After this day, we were very busy with activities.

So we lounged.  And drank.  Soaked in the sunshine.  And generally enjoyed the amazing views...

I could stare at this all day.
The house is directly to my right from this point of view.
Look at this amazing house we got to stay in!
Our Honu (turtle) you see him?
Honu again
"Purple blobby thingys"

Kayla during our lunch break from the pool and sun.
Dad enjoying the bloody mary's and vodka tonics a bit too much. :)  (Vacation Dad is a little more fun.)

Today, I am thankful for my little sister.  Not sure why today in particular, but really, I'm thankful for her every day.  I'm so glad that we live closer to her now and Kayla can't wait to go visit her in Milwaukee and see her new apartment.

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