Monday, November 7, 2011

Aloha from Chicago!

We are safely back, and have been for 2 days now!  It was a great trip and I've been meaning to write a quick post all weekend.  My excuses are these:

  1. Our flight was a red eye overnight on Friday and I slept a total of about 30 minutes, so yesterday I was resting and catching up on a boatload of t.v. shows I missed on hulu (I still have about 15 in my queue.)
  2. Yesterday we went shopping for new clothes for our growing little girl.
  3. I'm tired.
  4. I have a million and 2 things to do, blogging being one of them.
  5. Did I mention I'm tired and it's 4 am in Hawaii right now?
I plan on doing many recaps (probably shorter recaps of each day of our trip with photos included hopefully) but it's going to take me awhile to get caught up with everything, especially since I'm working all 5 days this week.  I also plan on writing a post about Kayla's new skills and posting her 9 month photos I took in Hawaii.  So stay tuned!  

I plan on posting every day for the remainder of this month at least a sentence because I have a few blog friends and friends on facebook who are stating what they are thankful for each day this month, so I wanted to join in.  I'm a little late to hop on the bandwagon but better late than never I always say!

Today, I'm thankful for my amazing parents who gave us the most wonderful trip, one I will never was the first time Kayla was with my whole family at one time!

Happy Monday!
My little mover and shaker! 
So happy in my new clothes that fit!
We are ready for the next holiday how about you?


  1. Welcome back! Looking forward to hearing about Hawaii: I have actually never been there.

  2. 1) Your daughter is adorable! Love the turkey onesie!
    2) I'm so jealous you went to Hawaii! I'd like to go there while we're on the west coast (short flight from central Cali, lol)
    3) Thanks for the comment on my blog! Im interested in anything that will make me smile! You can email me though (
