Saturday, May 21, 2011

When you've been blessed...

with a fussy baby, you just have to embrace it.  This is the post I've been thinking about since Friday.  But after taking Kayla out a few times in the past couple days I've realized something else.

Only you think your baby is fussy.  And even if your baby is fussy, you ALWAYS think they are way more fussy then they actually are.  I guess this is probably because as a mom (or dad) you spend all your time with your little one, so even slight fussiness seems like the end of the world, because you are the only one there who can calm them down.

I went to lunch with some very good friends on Friday, one who hadn't met Kayla yet.  I talked to her afterwards and she said something along the lines of, "Kayla was so good, I can't believe you said she was fussy!"  And then today, a friend at the volleyball tournament said, "Is she always this calm?"

Case and point.  As Justin just said to me, "I just think she's like you and she wants what she wants when she wants it."  I'm not sure if this is a compliment or not...

Anyways, my point is this:

I can't speak for moms that have colicky babies, or moms who actually have fussy babies.  Actually, I can't really speak for anyone but myself, and I definitely do not have a fussy baby.  Yes she fusses sometimes, but almost always it's for a reason.  She's tired, she's dirty, she's hungry, she's bored, she wants to be held or she wants something new to look at.  And inevitably the reason she is fussy is because we are still learning each other's ways.  I am still learning what she needs, when she needs it.

And sometimes I make mistakes.  I get frustrated when she is screaming and I can't figure out why, only to give in and change her diaper and realize, yes, she DID pee a crap ton in the half hour she has had this diaper on.  Basically, it's pretty much never her fault and always mine, but that's ok.  I get the feeling that's how I am going to feel for the rest of her life.  And I'm fine with that, because the smiles, giggles, hugs and opened mouthed kisses are her way of telling me, "It's ok Mommy, I love you and thanks for finally changing my diaper."

Here are a couple photos as belated first mother's day photos.  Justin took one and I took the other.  I also recently realized it really doesn't matter the quality of photo Justin can take, because I can always make it closer to a photo I want with editing.

I've been trying to learn more about editing my photos in Aperture, however, I don't think my version of aperture does that many things.  These are the best I could get for today.  I will soon be getting Photoshop on a loan from my mom so I can really learn how to make my photos great!

Kayla is really getting good at tummy time, and sometimes when she is "fussy" it's because she WANTS to be in this position!  She is now pushing up to her hands (not just her elbows), she is a back to tummy rolling expert, and she is getting much better at getting back to her back from her tummy.  Before we know it, she'll be really moving!  Goodbye blissful time period where I don't have to have my eye on her for every second; I can't even leave her on the bed or couch anymore for a second...such is life!

Until tomorrow, when I will definitely be posting because it's a special day.

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