Sunday, May 15, 2011

First Blogger Post

So I figured since I'm trying to make some changes in my life, it might be a good idea to make some changes in my blog!  My main reason for switching over is that I can post videos of Kayla to Blogger where I can't to Wordpress.  Both sites have their pros and cons, but with my increasingly mobile little one, I thought videos were an important feature.

I'm going to try to make this blog a little bit like a second (or third) job.  I'll hopefully post some info about cloth diapering in a page at the top, monthly photos of Kayla, maybe a photography page and if any of you can think of any other good pages I can add, please make suggestions in the comments.

If you followed my Wordpress blog from Facebook, I haven't figured out if I can automatically update to FB from Blogger, so if you want to get updates on new posts, please go to the left side of the page and enter your email address so you can stay on top of "A Hales Life."  By the way, I really appreciate all of my lovely friends that follow my blog!!

Lastly, please check out my wonderful friends blogs and just GREAT blogs I follow and other links on the right side of the page (including our SmugMug page of photos and my "old" Wordpress blog.)


  1. I'm so glad things are getting better with sleep. I have been thinking about you guys a lot. I was going to suggest nursing more during the day to ease fussiness and induce more sleep, but it sounds like you've got it figured out!

  2. Thanks Elle! We decided Kayla isn't a baby that will go to sleep without a little fussing so we gave in! She is getting so much better though, it's sort of an amazing transformation.

  3. We got to the point with AJ where we did what it sounds like you're doing. We had to just let her fuss for a while and she'd eventually fall alseep.

    I'm glad things are getting better with the sleeping!

    As for posting it automatically to FB, I don't know if you can do that (I try to keep my last name out of my blog bc of the hubby's job so I don't post mine on FB) but I do post to Twitter and at the bottom of each post you can click on the icon to share it to your account. I'm sure that there is a way that you could set it up to post automatically though.
