Friday, December 10, 2010

34 week Doctor Appt.

It's actually 34 weeks and 3 days... but who's counting?  At our baby/birthing class this week, the nurse instructor was running through a list of names of the midwives from our practice that actually do deliveries at the hospital.  Funny, we/I haven't seen ANY of those midwives!  The practice encourages you to see everyone since you never know who will be there when you deliver, which I totally get, but seriously?  I think we can be pretty sure we won't be seeing any of the midwives that don't even do deliveries at the hospital!

So today, we saw yet another midwife, but this one actually does "a lot of deliveries."  She was very nice just like everyone else at our practice.  The nurse I think may have been new as well because I walked into the bathroom and stepped onto the scale without her even saying anything.  Then she said, "You know the drill, huh? Weight, pee..."  I laughed and said, "Yeah, 34 weeks later!"  :)  We then went into the room and finished the rest of the typical nurse-related activities.  This nurse seemed younger and more thorough than most of the other ones though.  She asked if we had any questions/needed anything and informed me that the next visit I would be getting a Strep B test.

Then the midwife came in, and also joked with us a bit.  She got out the doppler and checked the heartbeat.  Then she poked and prodded my belly to get the baby to move and then checked the heartbeat again.  She said it was supposed to go up after the baby moves, which it did, and like those before her said it was "perfect."  Then she measured my belly.  She said it was 32 cm, which is a pretty normal for 34 weeks.  I said no one ever told me what the measurement was and I was curious because I feel like I'm smaller than other women as far along as me.  She said that was because I was tall and long waisted (which I figured), and then said probably in the next few weeks, I would still measure small and the practitioner would probably recommend an ultrasound to check the growth of the baby and the US would say the baby was in the 90th percentile.  She sounded like this happened a lot! :)

Anyways, all in all yet another uneventful appointment - except that I got to meet one of the midwives who may be with me in the delivery room!  I also made all of our remaining appointments and I realized next week is my last week without an appointment with a doctor before I deliver...scary.  New belly photos for Justin's co-workers (and anyone else who has been wondering what's taking so long!)

Partner yoga post coming up! :)

1 comment:

  1. You are getting there. Hang in there, can't wait to meet the little one.


    p.s. Great pic BTW.
