This is us waiting before the show started. The couple behind us was obnoxiously funny. The guy was so impressed with my self photo taking camera with a front screen (hilarious picture of guy being amazing to come...) Megan bought the tickets as a birthday gift for me and something we could do together before my life changes completely.
After going on and on about my camera, the guy behind us started talking to the couple next to me about the guys smart phone and the front facing camera with a flash. Being the smarta*s I am, I turned around and said, "You came here to check out all the new technology not for the show, didn't you?" His wife/gf/whatever started cracking up and he goes, "Yep exactly, I'm outta here in 10 minutes. I couldn't care less about Michael Buble!" We all laughed. Here are some photos from our seats (not zoomed).
The opening act was a group of 7 guys, called Naturally 7. They are a group that does what is called "vocal play." They basically make the sounds of the instruments with their voices. The guy who was the bass was amazing! (And of course the skinniest guy in the group.) I highly recommend checking them out on iTunes. Then we waited about 15 minutes for Michael Buble to come on.
He was, simply put, totally AWESOME! He was funny and sounded awesome, and his band was fantastic. It was just all around such a great time...even though my ankles and shins swelled up like balloons during the 3 hours of sitting/standing. I loved every second of it, and got emotional a few times thinking about how scared I am of my life completely changing, but I think I'm ready. Or maybe I'm not quite yet but I have at least another month or so to come to terms with the whole idea of being a mom. Thanks, Meg, for a really great birthday gift and for making me feel special for my birthday.
Here are a couple more photos from the show of Michael.
I listen to the video clips on my phone all the time! I had a blast. And the weird guy behind us was SUPER excited... maybe more excited than the girl next to me who ran down the seats to get closer, leaving her bf behind.
ReplyDeleteawesome time.