Holy crap, I can't believe we are more than 2/3 of the way to having a baby. I had my doctor's appointment on Tuesday. I think I'm going to go back to my strategy of not paying attention to the weight each time I go in because it's really scary, I'm afraid I'll never be my normal size again. I also had my glucose tolerance test which involves drinking a really sugary orange drink, waiting an hour and getting blood drawn. I'm a little afraid I have developed gestational diabetes due to the amount of sweets I've been eating. But then again, I've ALWAYS been a sweet tooth. We'll see, if anything is abnormal I have to do a 3 hour test. Other than that, I now I have to see the doctor every two weeks instead of every four.
For the most part, I'm still feeling pretty good. Today, there were FOURTEEN mamas in prenatal yoga! When I started going it was like 3 or 4 per class, so this is so exciting! The other mamas probably think I talk way too much but oh well. I'm definitely growing outward rapidly (photo update soon) and I thought it would be fun if I made a list of things I've noticed are much more difficult or becoming more difficult as my belly gets in the way...even things you don't really think about.
1. Putting on socks and shoes (of any kind besides flip flops): I usually just stand and lift one foot- this is no longer working due to balance issues and my ever-expanding belly. I know have to literally sit and cross my legs, which is still semi difficult.
2. "Squeeze by" in crowds or around people: I used to be able to just easily scoot by people, now I forget that I'm a little wider than normal and my belly tends to rub against people. ***This is also becoming an issues when doing hands on work with my patients.
3. Painting my toenails, shaving my legs, any grooming activity where I need to bend over- even washing my feet. This seems obvious, and it is, but it's just becoming more real and I forget I can't do it as easily.
4. Breathing. Yes, I get short of breath so easily it's almost embarrassing. I literally become out of breath demonstrating the few exercises I still can to my patients- although they still think it's amazing I can still show them side planks with one hand on the BOSU ball.
5. Driving. It's becoming increasingly uncomfortable to drive (or even be driven) anywhere. Going over bumps I feel like I have to tighten my abs to hold my belly in place.
6. Sneezing/Coughing- trying to keep up with those Kegel exercises.
That's all my pregnant brain can come up with now. I'm so excited for my little homemade maternity Halloween Costume...I'll post pictures later! Happy Halloween and end of October to everyone!
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